March 22, 2022

Jerk Chicken Stuffed Sweet Potato

So my family and friends went to Jamaica for an amazing vacation. We had a great time, with great food. Needless to say we had an abundance of Jerk Chicken. Create Simple Meals deiced to add a nice twist to the Caribbean Classic dish and make a stuffed Jerk Chicken Sweet Potato. One bite and you will fill like you are back on the beach and you’ll know everything is ‘Irie’.
March 28, 2022

Lobster Quesadilla with Mango Salsa

So I was sitting at my computer working from home and i realized I did not have a meal for my weekly show. Then I remembered I had some lobster tails in my freezer. So I steamed and chopped the lobster tail meat and made quesadilla with and topped it with the same salsa I make for my Jerk Chicken Stuffed Sweet Potato. At Create Simple Meals we believe in using what we have done for other meals and repurposing it for a new meal.
April 1, 2022

Whole Baked Fish with Ginger Sauce

I often visit a local market/fish monger and they always have various fish that I am not accustomed to. My wife has been asking to try more fish recipes, So i said hey lets step out of our comfort zone and try something new. I used Golden Pompano which has a very mild taste and light texture, however this recipe will work with similar fish such as Atlantic Butterfish, Mahi-mahi, or Tuna which is meatier with a stronger flavor
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